Every Day

It’s gonna suck at first. Learning anything sucks at first. The first time you walked, you fell. You can’t expect to be good RIGHT NOW.  That’s the fantasy of instant gratification. Something you’re fed by the media, where your heroes suddenly have magical superpowers, and immediately know how to use them. The hard work is all done in a thirty second montage. 

You don’t have superpowers. You have normal powers. You don’t wake up with them. You work for them. 

It sounds mean but, you’re not special. 

Before you learn anything, you have to learn how to learn; how to fail without feeling like a failure; how to keep learning when the motivation is gone; how to show your work and get feedback when you feel like a phony.

Your enemy is perfectionism. The little voice that says, “It’s wrong because it’s not good enough. Throw it away. You can’t show people this. You messed up. You shouldn’t be here.”

Listen, nobody is there because they're perfect. They’re there because they kept going. 

So keep going, every day.


5 Artists I’m Learning From.


Finding What I Want To Say