Finding What I Want To Say


We live in a world where everyone is saying something. 

It’s like all of us have a megaphone to our mouth as we scream into the void.

The void being the internet. 

The internet is saturated with people screaming to be heard. We make our noise, begging for attention, and once we’re tired, we give our attention to the next flashiest charismatic screamer. 

Attention is the new currency, and we all want to be rich. 

Sure, I’d love it if 1 million people thought I was the cat’s pajamas. I love to act like I hate attention. It’s just my pride pretending I’m humble enough to make great stuff with no credit. But I genuinely don’t want your attention unless I have something to say. Something worth listening to. 

And I really don’t know what that is yet.

But I do know I’m responsible for how I show up to the world.

So I’ll just make some noise until I find what to say. 


Every Day